Accredify Enterprise Digital Trust Report 2023

Learn more about why and how enterprises are currently building digital trust with verifiable technology, and the ways to overcome barriers to adoption in this annual Enterprise Digital Trust Survey Report.
Introduction: The role of verifiable data in enterprises in 2023
In 2023, we have observed an upward trend of governments adopting verifiable technology to build digital trust. However, not many organisations have made the move towards adopting verifiable technology. As such, this study, supported by SGTech, aims to understand:
- Current market leaders’ views on verifiable technology
- The role of verifiable technology in improving organisational processes
- The reasons behind the lagging rate of digital transformation amongst enterprises
We looked at over 125 individuals, made up of 62% senior/group managers, 28% directors, and 10% C-Suites from industries that include goods-producing, construction, manufacturing, transportation, utilities, finance, professional and business services, health services, and hospitality.
4 key findings
Enterprises are facing challenges arising from the shortcomings of legacy document management solutions.
The majority of enterprises face risks to data integrity due to information being falsifiable or editable. In addition, the inefficient organisation, sorting and retrieval of digital documents are the key challenges enterprises face when it comes to managing and verifying documents.
The benefits of using a verifiable technology solution
are multi-fold.
Verifiable technology solutions are not just a direct upgrade to legacy document management solutions but also offer a multitude of benefits that can improve organisational performance.
Security and data protection are always top of mind for any enterprise when it comes to adopting a technological solution.
As maintaining a high level of security is a key challenge faced by both enterprises and their recipients, it is imperative for enterprises to choose a verifiable technology solutions provider that can meet the enterprise’s level of security and data protection. Enterprises should look at international audited certifications, government-backed certifications, or data protection self-assessments as hallmarks of a qualified provider.
Cost,security, and difficulty in implementation are common barriers to adoption.
Enterprises may miss out on potential gains in organisational efficiency and productivity due to a lack of knowledge of how these common barriers to adoption can be circumvented, and with that knowledge, the yardsticks to evaluate the most suitable verifiable technology solutions provider for their business needs.
Dive deeper into each insight by downloading the full report below!
If you would like to learn more about how you can get started with verifiable technology, please reach out to our team by clicking on the button below.